

Development of a polymeric test kit based on the release of a selective chemosensor for the quantitative analysis of Cu(II) in aqueous samples.

Leandro G. Gutierrez, Agostina García Gabas, Vanina A. Guntero, Cristián A. Ferretti. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY



Didactic Sequence for Study of Enantiomers.

Vanina Alejandra Guntero, Cristián Alejandro Ferretti.




Use of oxidative coupling strategy as a means to increase in vitro antioxidant activity of vanillin derivatives.

Leandro G. Gutierrez, Ana P. Reinick, Carla M. Ormachea, Vanina A. Guntero and Cristián A. Ferretti. In Proceedings of the 26th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2022, Sciforum Electronic Conference Series.


In vitro and in silico antioxidant activity of hydrazones and semicarbazones derived from aldehydes found in essential oils.

Leandro G. Gutierrez, Ana P. Reinick, Carla M. Ormachea, Vanina A. Guntero and Cristián A. Ferretti. In Proceedings of the 26th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2022, Sciforum Electronic Conference Series.


Valorization of Orange Peels as a Source of Pectins.

Vanina A. Guntero,Cristián A. Ferretti. Chem. Proc. 2022, 8, 81.




A selective colorimetric chemosensor for detection of Cu(II) ions in aqueous samples

Vanina A. Guntero, Leandro G. Gutierrez, Pablo J. Noriega, María N. Kneeteman and Cristián A. Ferretti


In Silico Study of the Interaction between Casein with Tocopherols: Preliminary Evaluation of Lipophilic Substrate Inclusion on Proteic Matrix

Vanina A. Guntero, Leandro Gutierrez, María N. Kneeteman and Cristián A. Ferretti. Chemistry Proceedings, 2021, 3, 49.


One-Pot Selective Functionalization of Polysaccharides with Urea

Vanina A. Guntero, Micaela Peralta, Pablo Noriega, María N. Kneeteman and Cristián A. Ferretti. Chemistry Proceedings, 2021, 3, 74.


Optimization of eugenol production from cloves using Taguchi design of experiments

V.A. Guntero, C.A. Ferretti, P.M. Mancini and M.N. Kneeteman. Latin American Applied Research, 2021, 51(2):93-99.




Organic chemistry in harmony with our sensations

Vanina Alejandra Guntero, Micaela Peralta, Cristián Alejandro Ferretti, Pedro Máximo Mancini, María Nélida Kneeteman. Educación Química, 2020, 31(4), 63-74. ISSN 0187-893X y ISSNe 1870- 8404 en línea.




Antioxidant Activity of Natural Compounds Supported on Mesoporous Silica

Vanina A. Guntero, Cristián A. Ferretti, Pedro M.E. Mancini, María N. Kneeteman. Oriental Journal of Physical Sciences, 2019, 4(1). ISSN: 2456-799X.


Mesoporous Materials as Supports of Active Molecules: A Versatile Strategy Of Functionalization of Inorganic Oxides

Vanina A. Guntero, Cristián A. Ferretti, Pedro M. E. Mancini, María N. Kneeteman. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res, 2019, 15(3).

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.15.002699. ISSN: 2574-1241.



Synthesis and Encapsulation of bis-eugenol in a Mesoporous Solid Material: Enhance of Antioxidant Activity of a Natural Compound from Clove Oil

V. Guntero, C. Ferretti, P. Mancini, M. Kneeteman, Chemical Science International Journal, 2018, 22(4), 1-10.

DOI: 10.9734/CSJI/2018/41105. ISSN: 2456-706X.

Teaching of Chemistry Applied. Development of a Laboratory-scale Fire Started

Vanina A. Guntero, Pedro M.E. Mancini, Cristián A. Ferretti, María N. Kneeteman, World Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, 6(2), 87-90.

DOI:10.12691/wjce-6-2-2. ISSN: 2375-1665.

Encapsulation of compounds biphenyls into sba-15: synthesis of composites for application

Vanina A. Guntero, Cristián A. Ferretti, Pedro M. Mancini, María N. Kneeteman, Global journal of engineering science and researches, 2018, 5(2)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1169831.



Introducing Organic Chemistry Students to the Extraction of Natural Products Found in Vegetal Species

Vanina A. Guntero, Pedro M. Mancini and María N. Kneeteman, World Journal of Chemical Education, 2017, 5(4), 142-147. ISSN: 2375-1665.

DOI: 10.12691/wjce-5-4-5.

Preparation of Gel Alcohol Flavored with Essential Oils. An Employ of Laboratory Techniques in the Organic Chemistry Study

Vanina A. Guntero, María N. Kneeteman, and Pedro M. Mancini, World Journal of Chemical Education, 2017, 5(3), 86-90. ISSN: 2375-1665.

DOI: 10.12691/wjce-5-3-1.



Desarrollo de dos nuevas sondas fluorogénicas derivadas de la bis-vainillina para la detección de cationes metálicos trivalentes

M. Quindt, L. Gutierrez, V. Guntero, P.M.E. Mancini, M. Kneeteman, The Journal of The Argentine Chemical Society, 2016, 103 (1-2). ISSN: 1852 -1207, Anales de la Asociación Química Argentina AAQAE 095 – 196.

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